
Human Behavior


Name E-Mail/Personal Site Title Research Field/Research Interest
(秋元 忍)
akimoto [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor Sport History

Sport History in Late Nineteenth-Century England

(長ヶ原 誠)
cmakoto [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Professor Sport Promotion, Health Behavioral Sciences, Gerontology

Theoretical and demonstrated studies, and project evaluation research on health and sport promotion targeting the aging population.

HARADA Kazuhiro
(原田 和弘)
harada [at] harbor.kobe-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor Physical Activity and Health, Gerontology

Health benefits of physical activity, determinants of physical activity, intervention strategies to promote physical activity

(石原 暢)
tishihara [at] people.kobe-u.ac.jp
Assistant Professor
(片桐 恵子)
katagiri_k [at] people.kobe-u.ac.jp
Professor Social psychology, social gerontology

My research topic covers broad themes on aging and aging society from a social psychological perspective: social participation, social relations and health behaviors of senior citizens, health status of the old-old, intergenerational exchange, etc. Some of these themes involve international and interdisciplinary research I adopt mixed methodology, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods.

(木伏 紅緒)
kibushi.b [at] ruby.kobe-u.ac.jp
Assistant Professor
KIMURA Tetsuya
(木村 哲也)
tkimura [at] people.kobe-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor Physiological System, Applied Physiology, Biomechanics

Our laboratory is interested in motor control system, especially postural control system. The results of basic researches are applied for the development of device enhancing motor control.

KONDO Narihiko
(近藤 徳彦)
kondo [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Personal Site
Professor Applied Human Physiology

Physiological adaptation to environment and exercise

MAEDA Masato
(前田 正登)
mmaeda [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Personal Site
Professor Technique of Sports Performance / Sport Biomechanics

Research on Technique in Sport and the Learning Process of Skill in Human Movement
Sports Engineering on Development of Equipment Suitable for Skill Level of Player

(増本 康平)
masumoto [at] people.kobe-u.ac.jp
Personal Site
Associate Professor Behavioral Adaptation, Experimental Psychology of Aging

We conduct research on cognitive aging and cognitive impairment (memory, attention, emotion, self-monitoring, etc.) by experimental psychological, neuropsychological, and brain imaging methods.

OKADA Shuichi
(岡田 修一)
shuokada [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Professor Aging Kinesiology

Postural Control in older persons, Strategy for Fall Prevention

(佐藤 幸治)
sato712 [at] people.kobe-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor Sports Physiology and biochemistry

Development of new approach for prevention of diabetes with exercise and supplementation, and creation of safety exercise guideline for type 1 diabetes.

TAKADA Yoshihiro
(髙田 義弘)
baseball [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor Exercise Physiology (Physical Conditioning)

Proper training program should allow a human to achieve maximum performance , physical conditioning and also minimize risk of injury.

TAKAMI Kazushi
(髙見 和至)
ktakami [at] kobe-u.ac.jp
Professor Exercise Psychology

Psychological Processes of Habitual Exercise