

Master's Degree Recipients

Male Female Total
2014 33 (5) 51 (17) 84 (22)
2013 36 (4) 57 (16) 93 (20)
2012 46 (2) 49 (8) 95 (10)
( ) foreign students

Doctoral Degree Recipients

Male Female Total
2014 7 (1) 6 13 (1)
2013 3 6 9
2012 5 5 (3) 10 (3)
( ) foreign students

Student Enrollment

Male Female Total
Undergraduate Program 567 (7) 674 (3) 1241 (10*)
Master's Program 86 (10) 112 (27) 198 (37**)
Doctoral Program 42 (5) 46 (4) 88 (9**)
as of May, 2015
( ) foreign students
*China(6), UK(2), Denmark(1), Poland(1)
**China(32), Korea(3), Ukraine(1), Cuba(1)
***China(7), Korea(1), Kiribati(1)


Male Female Total
Professors 44 9 53
Associate Professors 34 13 47
Assistant Professors 2 2 4
Total 80 24 104
as of October, 2015

Partner Institutions

Countries Institutions
China Beijing Normal University *
East China Normal University *
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The University of Hong Kong *
Tsinghua University
Wuhan University
Zhejiang University *
Philippines San Beda College *
Korea Gongju National University of Education *
Korea Nazarene University *
Pusan National University *
Seoul National University
Taiwan National Taiwan University
Australia The University of Queensland
The University of Western Australia
Canada University of Ottawa
USA University of Pittsburgh
Austria FH Joannrum University *
Johannes Keplaer University *
University of Graz
Bulgaria Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Czech Charles University
France Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon *
Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Université Lille 3 *
Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Germany Universität Hamburg *
Italy Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Netherlands Leiden University
Poland Jagiellonian University
Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University *
Russia Moscow State Pedagogical University *
United Kingdom University of London
* Academic agreement with Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University