Name | E-Mail/Personal Site | Title | Research Field/Research Interest |
HASEGAWA Ryo (長谷川 諒) |
ryohasegawa [at] |
Associate Professor |
Music education, philosophy of music education, improvisation Educational Value of Group Improvisation, Soundpainting |
INAGAKI Shigenori (稲垣 成哲) |
inagakis [at] |
Professor |
Science Education Designing science curriculum and supporting students in scientific explanations and arguments in digital environments and computer games. |
INAHARA Minae (稲原 美苗) |
minaeinahara [at] |
Associate Professor |
Gender Theories, Phenomenology, Clinical Philosophy Minae Inahara's research areas are embodied subjectivity and philosophical dialogues in Gender Studies. She has been exploring the gendered and disabled body, physical pain, and the lived experience of mothers who have children with disabilities. |
KAWAJI Ayako (川地 亜弥子) |
kawaji [at] |
Associate Professor |
Instruction, Curriculum, and Human Development “Seikatsu-Tsuzurikata” (writing of daily life) and School Education |
KINOSHITA Takashi (木下 孝司) |
kino [at] |
Professor |
Developmental Psychology Development of communication and self-other understanding in young children |
KITANO Sachiko (北野 幸子) |
sachikita [at] |
Professor |
Early Childhood Education Professionalization of Early Childhood Education |
KIYONO Mieko (清野 未恵子) |
kiyonomi [at] Personal Site |
Associate Professor |
Coexistence society between people and nature, Wildlife management, ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) Study on the sustainable society and human resources for mutual and interdependent cooperation between human and animals. |
KOKUDO Shohei (國土 将平) |
kokudo [at] |
Professor |
Growth and development of children, Test and Measurement in Health and Physical Education Clarification of growth, health, motor development including physical fitness and sports performance and these interactions of Asian and Japanese children. And the influence of teaching-learning activities, lifestyle and living conditions |
KYAN Akira (喜屋武 享) |
a-kyan [at] |
Assistant Professor | |
erkki.t.lassila [at] |
Assistant Professor |
Teacher education research, Comparative education 1. The influence of emotions and socio-cultural and material environment(s) to teachers and their work relationships |
MATSUOKA Koji (松岡 広路) |
mkoji [at] |
Professor |
Lifelong Learning, Informal Learning, Learning in the Volunteer Construction of the new perspective in postmodern education by studying the theory and system of ESD(Education for Sustainable Development)from the viewpoint of lifelong education and Informal learning |
MEGURO Tsuyoshi (目黒 強) |
meguro [at] |
Associate Professor |
Children's Literature, Japanese Language Education A Study on the Institutionalization of Children's Literature |
NAKATANI Natsuko (中谷 奈津子) |
nakatani-n [at] |
Associate Professor |
Early Childhood Care and Education, Family Relations Professional roles and organization management in daycare centers and kindergartens for early detection and support of daily life problems. |
OKABE Yasuyuki (岡部 恭幸) |
okabe [at] |
Professor |
Mathematics Education Mathematical Cognition |
TESHIGAWARA Kimie (勅使河原 君江) |
teshi [at] |
Associate Professor |
Art Education Artists and Their Activities on Art Education |
TSUDA Eiji (津田 英二) |
zda [at] Personal Site |
Professor |
Lifelong Learning, Learning Support for Inclusive Society Learning method and its process of the people trying to realize inclusive society, focusing on the exclusion problems |
WATANABE Takanobu (渡邊 隆信) |
watataka [at] |
Professor |
History of Western Education, Philosophy of Education Historical Studies on the“Reformpaedagogik”(New Education) in Germany |
YAMAGUCHI Etsuji (山口 悦司) |
etuji [at] |
Professor |
Science Education The area of my expertise is Science Education Research. I am investigating the principles and strategies fostering people learn science. |
YAMASHITA Koichi (山下 晃一) |
kyamasit [at] |
Professor |
Educational System Educational System, Institution and Organization |
YOSHINAGA Jun (吉永 潤) |
yoshinag [at] |
Professor |
Contents and Methods of Social Studies Education Contents and Curricula of Social Studies (Especially on resolving international conflicts and diplomatic issues) |