- 日時
- 2015年12月16日(水),17日(木)
- 場所
- 神戸大学百年記念館六甲ホール
- 使用言語
- 英語
- 参加費
- 無料
- 主催
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科
- 後援
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科 学術Weeks2015
- 参加申込
- 登録フォーム
- メール:sdworkshop2015 [at] h [dot] kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
- *お送りいただいた個人情報は,本企画の運営のみに用います。個人情報は神戸大学の規定にしたがって安全に管理されます。
12:30 - 13:00 | 参加登録 |
13:00 - 13:10 | 開会挨拶 岡田 章宏 神戸大学大学院 人間発達環境学研究科長 |
セッション1: 環境・資源と持続可能な発展 (座長 佐藤 真行(神戸大学)) |
13:10 - 14:00 (Keynote 1) |
Presentation 1: “Energy Resources and Sustainability: Economic Approaches and Applications” Youngho Chang Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
14:00 - 14:30 | Presentation 2: “Renewable Energy and Environment: A Life Cycle Approach” Tomohiro Tabata Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University |
セッション2: エコロジーと持続可能な発展 (座長 高見 泰興(神戸大学)) |
14:30 - 15:20 (Keynote 2) |
Presentation 3: “Climate Change and Sustainable Development” Vathana Thun Executive Director, Prek leap National College of Agriculture, Cambodia |
15:20 - 15:50 | Presentation 4: “Insect and Biodiversity” Keosothea Nou Cambodia Development Resource Institute |
15:50 - 16:20 | Presentation 5: “Biodiversity Conservation in Cities” Atushi Ushimaru Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University |
Coffee break | |
16:20 - 16:40 | |
セッション3: 人口問題と持続可能な発展 (座長 Sovannroeun Samreth(埼玉大学)) |
16:40 - 17:30 (Keynote 3) |
Presentation 6: “Aging Population and Sustainable Development in Developing Countries: The Case of Thailand” Worawet Suwandara Dean, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
17:30 - 18:00 | Presentation 7: “Population and Sustainability” Rintaro Yamaguchi Kyoto University |
セッション4: 持続可能な発展のための教育 (座長 伊藤 真之(神戸大学)) |
10:00 - 10:50 (Keynote 4) |
Presentation 8: “Education and Poverty Reduction” Sovannnarith So Mekong Institute |
10:50 - 11:20 | Presentation 9: “Education and Social Development: The Case of Cambodia” Runsinarith Phim Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University |
11:20 - 11:50 | Presentation 10: “Sustainability in Higher Education” Michelle Merrill Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Lunch Break | |
11:50 - 14:00 | |
セッション5: 制度,国際協力,ならびに持続可能な発展 (座長 大堀 秀一(関西大学)) |
14:00 - 14:50 (Keynote 5) |
Presentation 11: “Foreign Workers, Aging, and Pensions: Case of Singapore” Shandre Thangavelu University of Adelaide and Ministry of Manpower, Singapore |
14:50 - 15:20 | Presentation 12: “Global Financing for Sustainable Development” Akihisa Mori Kyoto University |
15:20 - 15:50 | Presentation 13: “Public Finance and Inclusive Wealth” Masayuki Sato Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University |
Concluding session | |
15:50 - 16:00 | 閉会挨拶 四本 健二 神戸大学大学院 国際協力研究科長 |
- 問い合わせ
- メール:佐藤 真行(人間環境学専攻 生活環境論コース 准教授)msat [at] port [dot] kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
- 電話: 神戸大学発達科学部総務係 078-803-7905

- Youngho Chang氏(シンガポール)
- Nanyang Technological University
- 専門: エネルギー経済学,環境経済学
- Dr. Chang is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Division of Economics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Apart from the academic affiliation, he is a member of Technical Committee for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Designated National Authority (DNA), National Environment Agency, Singapore. He specializes in the economics of climate change, energy and security, oil and macroeconomy, and the economics of electricity market deregulation. His current research interests are oil price fluctuations and macroeconomic performance, the economics of energy security, energy use and climate change, human capital and economic growth, and education for sustainability (EfS). He has published his research output in internationally refereed academic journals such as Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Econometric Theory and Economics Letters among others. He was a degree fellow at the East-West Center, Hawaii and received his Ph.D. in Economics (Environmental and Resource Economics) from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S.A.

- Shandre Thangavelu氏(オーストラリア・シンガポール)
- University of Adelaide and Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
- 専門:人的資本論,開発経済学
- Associate Professor Shandre Thangavelu is an active researcher on human capital development, technology transfer, foreign direct investment, trade, government infrastructure investment, productivity and economic growth. He has written extensively in technology transfer and economic growth and has published his research in major international journals. His recent publications are in Journal of Economic Development, Empirical Economics, Applied Economics, World Economy, and Journal of Economic Studies. Recently, he was attached as the Head of the Economics Unit, Ministry of Manpower, under the Economist Service to Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Manpower. He has also worked on several international projects commissioned by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) on the measurement of aggregate productivity for the Singapore economy and the World Bank project on structural changes and skill-mismatch. He was engaged as a country expert on the Expert Group EFTA Study Phase II that comprises experts from ASEAN, China, Korea and Japan. He is also assisting as a Senior Consultant to the Ministry of Manpower.
Associate Professor Shandre M. Thangavelu is currently the Regional Director (Southeast Asia) at Centre for Economic Studies, Institute of International Trade, University of Adelaide, Australia. He was the Director of SCAPE (Singapore Centre for Applied and Policy Economics) at the Department of Economics, National University of Singapore. He was also the Assistant Dean at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences from January 2004 to May 2006. Recently, he was appointed as the Managing Editor for Asian Economic Journal (AEJ). He is also a Senior Research Fellow at Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP), University of Nottingham; and Faculty (Research) Associate at Institute of Policy Studies at LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. Professor Thangavelu obtained his graduate degrees from Queen’s University, Canada

- Worawet Suwanrada氏(タイ)
- Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- 専門:財政学,人口学
- Dr. Worawet Suwanrada is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Dean of College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University. His teaching subjects at the Faculty of Economics lie mainly in public economics at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests are mainly public finance, government spending, tax policy, social security system, especially financing pension and long term care schemes. He conducts both empirical and policy researches. From January-September 2015, he was a member of Committee of System Reform towards Ageing Society in Thailand, National Reform Assembly. Currently, he is a committee member of National Elderly Committee chaired by prime minister.

- Vathana Thun氏(カンボジア)
- Prek Leap National College of Agriculture, Cambodia
- 専門:農業生態学
- Dr. Vathana Thun, a researcher and lecturer who joined Prek Leap National College of Agriculture (PNCA) as Executive Director in February 2014, specializes in agricultural economics. Before joining PNCA, he taught at the Royal University of Agriculture, where he graduated from his bachelor’s degree program in 1996. Apart from teaching, Dr Thun also engages in various research projects. From 1999 to 2005, he studied in Japan, receiving his master's degree from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and his doctoral degree from Nagoya University.

- Sovannarith So氏
- Mekong Institute
- Mr. SO Sovannarith, MSc in Environment and Development from University of Reading UK in 2003, is affiliated Senior Research Fellow of Mekong Institute (MIC) established by a group of Cambodian Scholars in 2011. He has substantial and outstanding research experiences as a senior research fellow of Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), Cambodia’s leading independent development policy research institute for 19 years from June 1996 till October 2015. He has conducted a wide-range of policy-oriented research projects to promote agricultural and rural development, poverty reduction, natural resources (land, forestry and fisheries) management and government, impact of recent global financial crisis on the poor, vulnerable workers and social safety net in Cambodia. Since 2012, he has moved to engage in social development (health and education) research projects. He is now in the process of completing research reports of “Policies to Attract and Retain Health Workers in Rural Areas” and “Motivation of Health Workers in Rural Areas” in Post-Conflict Cambodia, and Article of Evolution of Policy for HRH in Post Conflict Country: learning from Cambodia as part of ReBUILD Project, 2012 - 2015 funded by DFID and managed by Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. In addition, he has evaluated around 90 development projects and/or programmes which have been implemented by the national and internal development partners for promote socio-economic and institutional development in Cambodia.

- Keosothea Nou氏(カンボジア)
- Cambodia Development Resource Institute
- 専門:農業開発学,自然資源管理
- Keosothea Nou is a lecturer and head of agronomy department working at Prek Leap National College of Agriculture (PNCA) since 1995. He also has over ten years research experience in rural, agricultural development and social development as a senior research fellow at Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). Mr Nou acted as a team leader on a number of projects conducting in depth agriculture analysis, resulting in lead author publications. Mr Nou holds two master degrees from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, a Master of Science in Agricultural Development and Master in Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management. He is completing a PhD in education with the University of Canberra, Australia on an ACIAR John Allwright fellowship.

- Michelle Y. Merrill氏(シンガポール)
- Nanyang Technological University
- 専門:持続可能な発展のための教育論(ESD論)
- Dr. Michelle Y. Merrill is currently a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University. Her research includes social learning, complex adaptive systems, and culture change. She recieved her Ph.D. in 2004 from Duke University (Biological Anthropology and Anatomy), based on field studies of orangutan cultural variation and social learning. Since 2004, she has focused on how humans can connect with, learn from and teach one another to co-create a resilient, sustainable future.
From 2006-2013, she was an instructor at a community college in California, where she won the 2013 John D. Hurd Award for Teaching Excellence for teaching introductory Biological Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology courses, developing sustainability-themed courses and instructor training workshops, advising student clubs, and supporting college efforts to enhance institutional and community sustainability and social justice. She previously conducted higher education accreditation research and created innovative faculty development workshops.
She currently works with a large international team of collaborators centered in Southeast Asia, documenting how universities are responding to the call for improved education for sustainable development. She is investigating student attitudes, responses and learning outcomes in the online Introduction to Sustainability: Multidisciplinary Approaches and Solutions core course at Nanyang Technological University.
- Tomohiro Tabata(田畑 智博)氏
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科
- 専門:ライフサイクル分析(LCA)
- Atushi Ushimaru(丑丸 敦史)氏
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科
- 専門:植物生態学,生物多様性科学
- Runsinarith Phim氏
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科
- 専門:開発経済学
- Rintaro Yamaguchi(山口 臨太郎)氏
- 京都大学大学院経済学研究科
- 専門:環境経済学,資源経済学
- Akihisa Mori(森 晶寿)氏
- 京都大学大学院地球環境学堂
- 専門:環境経済学,国際援助論
- Masayuki Sato(佐藤 真行)氏
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科
- 専門:環境経済学