
English talk café Report #1

COTIE(神戸大学発達科学部 A423 (A棟4階))


第1回English talk café は7人でスタートしました!留学生を含めてみんな楽しく話して「ファッション」について盛り上がりました!!次回のトピックは「食べ物」について。どんな話が出てくるか期待です!!

Our first meeting ended up successfully with 7 members! We talked about "Fashion" and share own ideas such as "What do you think about Japanese girls wearing very short skirts?" and some nice ideas came up. Now what interesting ideas are going to come up for the next topic "Food"?

  1. Member's self-Introduction
  2. talked about how to organize talk café
  3. free discussion based on short essay “American Pie” by Kay Hetherly
  4. about next talk topic & date

1. 7 members introduced themselves each other
2. Everyone’s expectation for this activity---
Make friends, language exchanges ( English & Japanese), Improve English communication skills (listening skill, pronunciations), Cultural exchange(ex. Presentation of culture introduction)
3. Discussed mainly about “Fashion” based on essay---
  • short skirts of Japanese young girls
  • Jeans(pants) for Japanese girls
  • What is fashion for you? etc...
4. Next meeting--- 21st March 2013, Thursday 11:00-12:00 @A423 COTIE
  • What we do : Free topic conversation about "FOOD"
  • Preparation : Bring your ideas!
    example questions
    ・Eat out vs. Eat at home. Which do you prefer?
    ・Food culture – what is Japanese home dish?
    ・What do you care when you eat?
  • Café menu: Chocolates, candies are waiting for you!
  • COTIE H/W: COTIE staff will prepare some videos about food we can watch

~~~We are recruiting more more people to join!! ANYONE WELCOME!!!~~~