
ESD講義「Ecosystem services and sustainable development」 

2014年10月23日(木) 17:50~19:20(大学院5時間目)
神戸大学発達科学部 B208 (B棟2階)
Ecosystem services and sustainable development
Drs Hebin Lin and Jeffrey Thornton
In this lecture, Drs Hebin Lin and Jeffrey Thornton will jointly present an overview of watershed management concepts based upon a framework known as "Payments for Improving Ecosystem Services at the Watershed-scale" (PIES-W). The framework, developed from Dr Lin's PhD dissertation, postulates a formal agreements between communities within a watershed. Typically, these agreement occur in an upstream-downstream orientation, where a downstream community pays an upstream community to perform a service or set of services that enhances the use of the water by a downstream community. Typically, the services have involved the adoption of conservation-oriented land management practices by an upstream community in order to improve water quality at a downstream point. The benefits to the downstream community would be reduced treatment costs to achieve a specific water quality condition; the benefit to the upstream community would be payments that offset the cost of applying the land management practices. This exposition will be followed by examples drawn from various watershed around the world that illustrate this potential of this type of investment. One aspect of these examples will be the way in which the upstream-downstream relationship can be applied in innovative ways, but always with the win-win outcomes. Participants will gain an understanding the practical aspects of Payments for Improving Ecosystem Services and its applications.
佐藤 真行(人間環境学専攻)
Email: msat [at] port [dot] kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp