
[学術Weeks] シンポジウム: グローバリゼーション下の表現教育(1/21・23)

主催: 鈴木幹雄 (子ども発達論コース)・
塚脇 淳 (表現創造論コース)  



1. シンポジウム・タイトル


2. 開催時期・場所:2013年1月21日(月),23日(水)

シンポジウム: 第1部: 第3時限目:13:20~14:50, 場所:大会議室
シンポジウム: 第2部: 第3時限目:13:20~14:50, 場所:大会議室
          第3部: 第5時限目:17:00~18:35, 場所:大会議室
記念パーティー: 第6時限目: 18:45~20:00, 場所:大会議室
(シンポジウムと記念パーティー参加者には,塚脇 淳 先生の『彫刻家修業15年』のパンフレットが1冊ずつ贈られます。)

3. スケジュール

  1. シンポジウム第1部: 1月21日(月) 第3時限目:13:20~14:50:
    司会者・講演者 司会・講演題目 備考
    1. 鈴木幹雄(神戸大学) シンポジウムの趣旨説明: グローバリゼーションの下での教育の困難性と芸術教育の現代的可能性を探る 8分
    2. 高田美穂子 一画家・一美術教師高田美穂子,私の表現を語る(画像による報告) 15分
    3. 同上 教壇に立ち続けて 画家・美術教師高田美穂子,表現教育への私の思いと組み立てを語る 35分(報告)+15分(質問)
  2. シンポジウム第2部: 1月23日(水) 第3時限目:13:20~14:50:
    司会者・講演者 司会・講演題目 備考
    1. 鈴木幹雄(神戸大学) シンポジウムの趣旨説明: グローバリゼーションの下での教育の困難性と芸術教育の現代的可能性を探る 8分
    2. 鈴木幹雄 芸術教育の困難性の下で――表現教育をフレクシブルに再構成する我々の知恵 15分(報告)
    3. 高敬來
    現代デザイン教育における水墨画技法の活用に関する研究――水墨画技法の体験は今日なぜ必要か 35分(学術報告)+

    ・休 憩・ コーヒータイム: 第4時限目:15:10~16:40

  3. シンポジウム第3部: 1月23日(水) 第5時限目:17:00~18:35:
    司会者・講演者 司会・講演題目 備考
    1. 鈴木幹雄 シンポジウムの趣旨説明: グローバリゼーションの下での教育の困難性と芸術教育の現代的可能性を探る 8分
    2. 高敬來
    現代デザイン教育における水墨画技法の活用に関する研究――水墨画技法の体験は今日なぜ必要か 15分(報告)
    3. 安尙俊
    自らの真のアイデンティティーを探る: 民族史觀高等學校における芸術教育の導入(Finding our real identity : the introduction of art education at Korean Minjok Leadership Academy) 35分(学術報告)+
  4. 学術Weeks<芸術教育・造形表現>記念パーティー: 第6時限目:18:45~20:00:
    • 1) 記念報告: パーティー・オープニング
    • 2) 記念報告:
           塚脇 淳: 図版にみる私の自立 若き日の彫刻家修業を振り返って(22分)
      (シンポジウムと記念パーティー参加者には,塚脇 淳 先生の『彫刻家修業15年』のパンフレットが1冊ずつ贈られます。)

Academic Symposium in Kobe Univ. concerning Art Education(Jan.21.,23.2013.)

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mikio Suzuki (KOBE Univ.)
Prof. Jun Tsukawaki(KOBE Univ.) 

Aim of the research, planned:

 In our society of globalization now, people unintentionally overevaluate the idea of key-competency.But it has led us to narrow-minded approach for contemporary education. Our society needs wider and more open-minded approach for the education of children. In order to bring up children into intellectual young generation, we should cultivate the roots of their intelligence and draw out their potentialities in their childhood.
 In this meaning, we are expected to respect intelligence education and art education equally. In our research this time, it is intended to catch up active art teachers and their flexible, effective and realistic approaches of art education in Japan and South Korea.

1. Title:

Making a Bridge between two Countries for our academic Researches of Art Education now――Its Difficulties under the Globalization in Japan and Korea or its Possibilities for the Future

2. Date and time: January 21, 23. 2013.

- Part 1 : January 21 (Monday), 13:20-14:50(Room: Conference Room)
- Part 2 : January 23 (Wednesday), 13:20-14:50(Room: Conference Room)
- Part 3 : January 23 (Wednesday), 17:00-18:35(Room: Conference Room)
Party: 18:45-20:00,Room: Conference Room
         (2nd. Floor, neighbor Room of Library, Main Building of Fac.)
- Ceremonial Party(free)
- Ceremonial Lecture with Photos: Prof. Jun Tsukawaki
Title: A sculptor talks about his Sculpture in his early stages with Photos.
(For audience, an Illustrative brochure will be given as a gift by artist. )

3. Schedule of Symposium:

  • Part Ⅰ: January 21 (Monday), 13:20-14:50, (Room: Conference Room)
    Reporter Title Explanation
    1. Mikio Suzuki
    鈴木幹雄(Kobe Univ.)
    Brief Explanation about Symposium this time: Difficulties of Art Education under the Globalization in Japan and Korea or its Possibilities for the Future 8 minutes
    2. Mihoko Takada
    高田美穂子(Art teacher)
    About artistic Expression by an artist, art teacher――“I talk about my works of art”. (Report with Photos) 15 minutes
    3. Mihoko Takada
    (Art teacher)
    Retrospective about my life of an art teacher for 35 years――My art Education for Children and its spirits. 35 minutes+
    15 minutes(Question)
  • Part Ⅱ: January 23 (Wednesday), 13:20-14:50,(Room: Conference Room)
    Reporter Title Explanation
    1. Mikio Suzuki
    鈴木幹雄(Kobe Univ.)
    Brief Explanation about Symposium this time: Difficulties of Art Education under the Globalization in Japan and Korea or its Possibilities for the Future 8 minutes
    2. Mikio Suzuki Art Education under the Globalization in Japan――”We can accumulate our seeds for flexible approaches of art education” 15 minutes
    3. KO, Kyoung-Lae
    (Gyeongju University)
    Some considerations about traditional “Sumi” technics for modern design education――Why the experiences are necessary nowadays for modern design education ? 35 minutes+
    15 minutes(Question)

    ・Pause・Tea Time: 15:10?16:40

  • Part Ⅲ: January 23 (Wednesday), 17:00-18:35,(Room: Conference Room)
    Reporter Title Explanation
    1. Mikio Suzuki
    鈴木幹雄(Kobe Univ.)
    Brief Explanation about Symposium this time: Difficulties of Art Education under the Globalization in Japan and Korea or its Possibilities for the Future 8 minutes
    2. KO, Kyoung-Lae
    (Gyeongju University)
    Some considerations about traditional “Sumi” technics for modern design education――Why the experiences are necessary nowadays for modern design education ? (Digest) 15 minutes(Digest)
    3. Sang-Joon Ahn
    (Korean Minjok Leadership Academy)
    Finding our real identity: the introduction of art education at Korean Minjok Leadership Academy 35 minutes+
    15 minutes(Question)
  • Party: 18:45-20:00, Room: Conference Room:
    • 1)- Ceremonial Party (free)
    • 2)- Ceremonial Lecture with Photos: Prof. Jun Tsukawaki
    • Title: A sculptor talks about his Sculpture in his early stages with Photos.
      (For audience, an Illustrative brochure will be given as a gift by artist. )