1st Hyogo Science E-cafe "MASS AND THE HIGGS BOSON"
Professor Yuji Yamazaki of Kobe University will give a short presentation exploring this and other questions. He will explain what inertial mass(慣性質量) is and the role mass plays (質量の果たす役割) in our daily lives. He will then give an intuitive view on how the mass of a particle is generated in the Higgs theory and introduce the mystery of Higgs Field (ヒッグス場) for discussion.
- Guest
- Yuji YAMAZAKI (Professor, Kobe University)
- Date
- Thursday, July 9th, 2015
- Time
- 19:00-21:00 (18:45 OPEN)
- Location
- 3-minute walk south of Motomachi Station
- Address
- 1Chome-7-2 Motomachidori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken 650-0002
- Seating capacity
- 30 people
- Cost
- 800 yen (for Coffee/Tea, Cake/Sandwich)
- To Register
- E-mail your name, prefered drink and snack:Coffee/Tea, Cake/Sandwich to the Kobe University science shop at:
- ss-stf [at] radix [dot] h [dot]kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
- Email by Monday July 6th, space is limited to 30 people
- Organizer
- Hyogo Science Coalition, Kobe Univesity Science Shop
※ Any information you provide will only be used for the organization of this event. (お申し込みの際お送りいただきます個人情報は、この催しの運営管理にのみ利用させていただきます。)
The 2nd Hyogo Science E-cafe will be held on Saturday, August 1st (3:00pm- ), near Motomachi. The theme will be about "Singularity" (AI and human intelligence).