
[サイエンスショップ] 第12回 兵庫サイエンス E-cafe 「ろうそくの科学―ファラデーのクリスマス講演を再演す」

12th Hyogo Science E-cafe "The Candle Lecture: A recreation of the Christmas lectures given by Michael Faraday"

Our hosts will recreate the Christmas lectures given by Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution, and recorded in his book The Chemical History of a Candle. They will introduce Michael Faraday, his life, his achievements and his philosophy. They will show us how a candle can be a demonstration of many basic concepts in science and they will present to Japanese students of English scientific words and concepts in English.

Yuichi Morimoto, B.Ed, M.A. and Robin Eve, B.Ed, M.A.
Sunday, December 11th, 2016
15:00 – 17:00
Student Laboratory G105, Build. G., Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University
3‐11 Tsurukabuto, Nada‐ku, Kobe 657‐8501
Take a city bus bound for Tsurukabuto‐Danchi (Bus #36) and get off at Shindai‐Hattatsukagakubu‐Mae.
http://www.h.kobe-u.ac.jp/ja/about (Japanese page)
Seating capacity
30 people
500 yen (for Cafe Drinks, sweets)
To Register
E-mail your name to The Kobe University Science Shop at:
HSE-CAFE [at] radix [dot] h [dot]kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
Email by Friday, December 9th, space is limited to 30 people
Organized by
Hyogo Science Coalition & Kobe Univesity Science Shop


※ Any information you provide will only be used for the organization of this event. (お申し込みの際お送りいただきます個人情報は,この催しの運営管理にのみ利用させていただきます。)
