Factors affecting the ion (NaCl)
reabsorption of the sweat glands
The 15th Hyogo Science E-cafe "Salty Sweat and How it is Regulated: Factors affecting the ion (NaCl) reabsorption of the sweat glands"
Sweating is an essential human response that helps us regulate our body temperature within safe ranges. However, when we sweat we not only lose water, but we also lose a large amount of ions, such as salt. This can be very problematic if we sweat for a long time as it can cause the blood to become thicker, increases blood pressure and puts strain on the heart. This poses several risks for vulnerable groups (children, elderly or those who do prolonged exercise in hot conditions). However, the human body can cleverly prevent excess loss of these ions and Dr. Gerrett will present her research which aims to understand how these ions are regulated in the sweat glands. The topics she will discuss include sex, age, exercise intensity, fitness status and heat acclimation.
- Guest
- Nicola Gerrett (Kobe University)
- Date
- Thursday, June 8th, 2017
- Time
- 18:30 ~ 20:30
- Location
- 2nd floor, NESCAFE Sannomiya, Kobe
- Address
- 7 Chome-1-15 Gokodori Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken 651-0087
- Seating capacity
- 30 people
- Fee
- 800 yen (for Cafe Drinks, Sandwich+sweets)
- To Register
- E-mail your name to The Kobe University Science Shop at:
- HSE-CAFE [at] radix [dot] h [dot]kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
- Email by Monday, June 5th, space is limited to 30 people
- Organized by
- Hyogo Science Coalition & Kobe University Science Shop
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